Dear Beam of Light,
There are plenty of seekers on the verge of waking up. They’ve had a good night’s sleep. Now, they’re rested. They’re waiting for the sun to rise to send forth its beams of shining light. Be one of those beams.
The sun says, “It will be a splendid day, so go into the field and bring in the harvest.”
A labor of love is its own reward.
Your challenge is to approach the seekers who are already yawning and stretching, awaiting your call to rise and be spiritually free.
Will you meet the challenge?
With love and blessings,

As Soul, you have the God knowledge within you.
—Sri Harold Klemp
Essential Program Guide
Raise Your Spiritual IQ!
New Vahana Outreach
Welcome to this dynamic new approach to reaching today’s spiritual seekers!
Raise Your Spiritual IQ! is an umbrella theme and benefit for a wide variety of Vahana events you hold. This includes:
- spiritual discussions
- ECK Light and Sound services
- classes
- workshops
- seminars
- expos and fairs

The key to this program is Sri Harold’s new release, Raise Your Spiritual IQ! Experience Journal.
Program goals:
1. Offer the Experience Journal to all seekers at any ECK event!
2. Hold and promote IQ! events in your region.
Check out this online toolkit for beautiful, innovative support for in-person and online events.
Please work within your Satsang Society before planning ECK events or Vahana activities.
Thank you for all your loving service!
Catch the Vision!
At-a-Glance (PDF)

Sri Harold’s key message to seekers at the heart of the
Raise Your Spiritual IQ! program.
Raise Your Spiritual IQ! Experience Journal
The centerpiece of the program is this beautifully illustrated full-color introduction to the HU and a special selection of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK.
Journaling pages include unique contemplation seeds. Each page offers a pathway to raise your spiritual IQ and discover the God knowledge within.

How to order the Experience Journal
Order print books from Student Services at 952-380-2222:
- Box of 10 for $20
- Box of 100 for $125

Facilitator Overview
Presenting the Experience Journal
Helpful exploration of the architecture of the booklet.
Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ Mᴀᴛᴇʀɪᴀʟs Fᴏʀ IQ! Eᴠᴇɴᴛs
Video with Experience Journal Gift Book
Video with Key Gift Books
These videos are for your regional ECK website, Meetup pages, social media pages, ads, and email communications.
The videos are hosted on ECKANKAR‘s official YouTube channel.
The key step to use these videos in your publicity is to click on the “Share” button just below the video on YouTube. Please do not use the download function. Only share or embed the videos as recommended below.
- For Meetup, Social Media, and email: use the appropriate link in the “Share” function.
- For Regional Websites: use the “Embed” link that comes up as an option after you click “Share.”
Here are the links to the Experience Journal video and the Key Gift Books video on YouTube.
You can use any of five editable PDF templates for creating event posters for both in-person and digital publicity.
Just customize the template with your event title, date, time, location and event type.
Use them for:
- Spiritual Discussions
- ECK Light and Sound Services
- Workshops
- Classes, etc.
Key Books Series Poster (PDF)
Spiritual Experience Series Poster (PDF)
Name Your Own Event Poster (PDF)
ECK Light and Sound Service Poster (PDF)
Ancient Wisdom for Today Poster (PDF)
—Sample Event Titles and Taglines (PDF).

Publicize Raise Your Spiritual IQ! events on a variety of channels your region already uses or those you’d like to try. These include
- event promotion sites like Eventbrite and Patch
- Satsang Society website event listings
- social media pages
- print materials or ads
- digital ads
- in-person events (discussions, workshops, seminars, Expos and Fairs, ECK Light & Sound Services)

The Meetup copy used in this mockup can be customized for your other social or promotion channels such as Facebook, Eventbrite, or your Satsang Society website.
Meetup Event Copy (PDF)

Reaching Out to the Chela Community
“Bring a friend and attend!”: sample Satsang Society letter to chelas about IQ! events.
This modifiable template encourages local chelas to invite friends and family to an IQ! event. It can be used as an email or letter to the Satsang Society’s chela email or mailing list.
Download the Invitation (Docx)

More Gift Book Resources
These complimentary gift books are adapted from
Sri Harold’s classic book Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel. Features stories and techniques to inspire spiritual exploration on these key topics.
ECKANKAR—Key to Past Lives (PDF)
ECKANKAR—Key to Dreams (PDF)
ECKANKAR—Key to Soul Travel (PDF)
Order each title from Student Services at 952-380-2222:
- Box of 10 for $20
- Box of 100 for $100

A classic gift book
Recently updated, ECKANKAR—Ancient Wisdom for Today offers twelve mini-chapters on the benefits, basics, and beauty of the ECK path.
ECKANKAR—Ancient Wisdom for Today (PDF)
Order from Student Services at 952-380-2222
- Box of 10 for $25
- Box of 100 for $100

Enrollment Invitation
You’ll want to have this engaging invitation to the ECK Spiritual Living Courses available at your IQ events.
*An overview of topics covered can be found at Eckankar.org > Initiate Pages > Your Spiritual Studies.

Order packs of 20 from Student Services at 952-380-2222
• Easy Way Brochure (developed countries)
• Easy Way Brochure (developing countries)
* * *
More resources will be added in the future. We’ll let your RESA know.
Thank you for all your love and service!