By Rodney, New York
Let me tell you a story about a young ECKist (a member of Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ) named John and his mother, Iris.
John was in a terrible car accident and was left paralyzed from the neck down and unable to breathe on his own.
This is when I met him. His mother knew I am a member of the Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ clergy. She called within hours of the accident and asked if I would come to the hospital and see John. I went right away. John was in the intensive care unit of the trauma center. He was barely conscious. What I experienced next was truly amazing.
His mother was spending time comforting other families who had critically ill relatives in the ICU. Instead of drowning in her own grief, she was serving. She was being an instrument of God’s love, a channel for the ECK, Divine Spirit. I was so moved by that act of love and spiritual courage. Her heart was filled with pain, but her love for God was greater than the pain.
This was seven years ago.
John’s mother would read the ECK writings to him. He is confined to a nursing home and has no movement except to be able to speak between ventilator breaths.
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I had just arrived back from an extended tour in Europe. With the time change and jet lag, I was exhausted. I took a shower and got into bed, planning to sleep for untold hours.
A few hours later I was awakened by a loud voice in my ears: “Go see John.” Now I was completely awake and sitting up in my bed. “Go see John,” the voice said again as though coming from all around me.
Spirit speaks to us in many ways—through dreams, waking dreams, intuition, out-of-the-body experiences, coincidences, synchronicities, Soul Travel, direct perception, feelings, and in countless other ways. I have learned that whenever Spirit speaks, it is always best to act. I don’t waste much time analyzing what happened. For me, I have learned that the spiritual lesson and blessings come in the doing.
I had not seen John in many months, and it was quite early in the morning. I got dressed, left my home, and made the thirty-minute drive to the nursing home. I arrived before seven a.m. There were no security guards. I walked right in and went up to the third floor where John’s room was.
I entered the room and found that John was asleep. I sat in a chair near his bed and silently began to sing the HU, a love song to God. I wanted my heart to be completely open and my spiritual awareness to be finely tuned.
When I came out of contemplation, John was awake. His eyes met mine, and he had a single tear rolling down his cheek.
“How did you know?” he asked. Before I could reply, he asked again, “How did you know?” He continued, “All week I have been asking the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ (the inner form of the spiritual leader of Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ, Sri Harold Klemp) to show me that I matter, that my life matters. I can do nothing but sit in this room and reach out with my heart to God. I have felt so alone, I asked the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ to show me that he hears me when I speak to him.
“Today is my birthday. I asked the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ to please show me in some way that he hears my prayers and knows my heart. And you came. How did you know?”
I put my hand on John’s hand and said, “The Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ sent me. He wanted you to know that you do matter, that you are loved, and that he hears every cry of your heart and sees every tear that falls.”
That day John learned that he is never alone, and I was blessed with the gift of service.
Perhaps you have cried such tears as John’s. Perhaps you wonder at your own life.
You are never alone on your journey home to God. The Master always finds a way to let you know that your life has a meaning and a purpose, and that no act done for love alone is ever forgotten.