By Joan Klemp
The spiritual travelers are agents of God, vehicles for Divine Spirit. These ECK Masters will not interfere in the sacred state of consciousness of another being without his permission. They all work in harmony with the Living ECK Master of the time to assist those Souls who are ready to awaken to their true nature and destiny.
Sri Harold Klemp is the present Living ECK Master. As a friend and guide, his spiritual purpose is to link Soul to the Light and Sound of God. The other ECK Masters assist. Those great spiritual beings include Paul Twitchell, the modern-day founder of Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ, as well as Rebazar Tarzs, Gopal Das, and Lai Tsi.
The sincere spiritual seeker, who in his heart asks for truth and direction, may meet a spiritual traveler years before he ever comes across the ECK teachings. One woman had such an experience with Harold Klemp six years before she came to know him as the Living ECK Master.
In August 1975 it was necessary for her to have oral surgery with a general anesthetic. She remembers being with “a man with glasses, slim, slightly built.” He talked with her and gave her a tremendous feeling of being loved and cared for. He told her he had to leave for a time and gave her his name. She could see some sort of timepiece as he disappeared.
“When I woke up,” she said, “I remembered his name, but later all I could remember was that it ended with a ‘ji’.” She was in tears at the loss. Later, in talking with friends, she was told people hallucinate during or after anesthesia. Yet she knew she wasn’t hallucinating!
Sometime after the fall of 1981 she joined Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ and met the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp. Remembering her earlier experience, she exclaimed, “When I saw your name, Harji [a respectful name of affection for Sri Harold Klemp], and looked into your eyes, I knew it was you. Thank you for the love then.”
Another young woman had an experience with her father and Gopal Das, years before she ever heard of Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ or the ECK Masters. When she was sixteen her father translated (died). For a time afterward he would come to visit her. On his last visit he came with someone else. At the time she thought the man was an angel. Ten years later, when she first started reading about ECK, she saw a picture of Gopal Das and realized this ECK Master was the man she had seen with her father when she was sixteen.
A young teenager went to bed feeling ill one day and asked the Spiritual Traveler Harold Klemp, the Living ECK Master, for help. He felt himself being wrapped in a wonderful cloak of protection. This gave him a feeling of happiness and joy. Then he saw Rebazar Tarzs, who gave him a drink from his cupped hands. The liquid was refreshing. It gave him a wonderful feeling through his whole physical body and made him feel relaxed and at peace. Then Rebazar took him in a blue cloud to visit a great city full of happiness and joy. They went into a room full of lights of many colors shining down on them. After walking beside an ocean where interesting creatures lived, they went back to the city, back on the cloud, and went over the Ocean of Love and Mercy.
One ECK student had an experience with the great Chinese spiritual traveler, Lai Tsi. She was sitting in contemplation, doing a spiritual exercise, when the ECK Master appeared to her. “He told me,” she said, “that whenever things got too rough, I could call on him and he would assist me.
“I feel most fortunate to have this Master with me. For those who do not believe that Rebazar Tarzs and the Vᴀɪʀᴀɢɪ Masters exist, I just say to them, ‘Believe. Be patient. They will appear when you are least expecting them!’ ”
Paul Twitchell, Rebazar Tarzs, Lai Tsi, Gopal Das—these great spiritual travelers are all agents of God. They work together and harmoniously with Harold Klemp, the Living ECK Master of the time, to provide the individual spiritual seeker the greater experience as Soul.