Here is a spiritual exercise to begin having your own experiences with the Mahanta’s guidance.
The Light Giver
Find a quiet place and seat yourself comfortably. Relax with a couple of deep breaths and shut your eyes.
Begin by chanting HU aloud as long as you like, maybe five minutes or so, and then continue chanting silently, or as a whisper. This will take a natural rhythm.
Gently consider, what are the most desired qualities you would look for in a spiritual master? Contemplate this from your heart.
Then invite the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, the Inner Master, to show you in some way how the seeds of these very qualities are coming to life within you. Otherwise, how could you want or recognize them in a spiritual guide?
You may hear an inner sound or see an inner light as you continue to chant the HU. Or you may feel a reassuring presence or warmth in your heart area.
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As the Light Giver, the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ will illuminate new textures and expressions of God’s unconditional love in your day and even in your dreams. These moments may come to you in such natural design you might overlook their presence.
Something in your heart will then say, “Look again.”