By Sri Harold Klemp
HU, the secret name of God, opens you as a channel for the greater healing of Divine Spirit.
Every thought, word, or deed either purifies or pollutes the body. This is very important, very powerful, because it deals with your state of consciousness.
If, at some point, you need an edge for health or for peace of mind, look to what’s coming into your world. Look to your form of music, or your form of news. Be aware of whatever ways you let the external world into your internal world.
What’s coming in is going to go back out. Then it rebounds like an echo and returns to you. It strengthens and grows to have a very strong influence in your life. This influence can be for either beneficial things or harmful things. So the choice is yours.
Every thought, word, or deed either purifies or pollutes your body.
The HU song is a purifier. It will uplift and strengthen you in wisdom and awareness.