The Spiritual Meaning of Dreams

As spiritual leader of Eckankar, Sri Harold Klemp receives thousands of letters from truth seekers around the world—many ask him questions. Here is a question he was asked about the spiritual meaning of dreams.

Q: Sometimes I have trouble finding the lesson or message in my dreams… Does each dream have a spiritual meaning or lesson involved? Or are some just purely creations of my imagination?

A: Every experience, waking or dream, has a lesson or message to impart to us. But let the meanings of your inner and outer experiences come naturally. In other words, if the lesson or spiritual meaning of a dream isn’t clear, don’t force it.

Soul, the spiritual self that you are, will send another dream again in some other way until your human self can easily grasp the meaning.

In Eckankar, dream study works on all levels. As with all things of a divine nature, accept each dream as a spiritual gift. Wonder about it. Roll it gently around in your mind to see whether loving patience on your part will reveal its significance.

This approach is the reason the Eckankar spiritual studies are called the Easy Way.

Dream Censor

One other point.

Dream experiences are real experiences from another time, place, or dimension. Some of them are from past lives, which you’d expect to be straightforward. Yet here’s where the mind—or what you called “just purely creations of my imagination?”—comes in.

The dream censor is a function, or part, of the mind. For purely karmic reasons, it may decide that a certain past life would be too much of a shock to you. You might break off a relationship. Yet that relationship in the present time may be necessary to bring an important insight to you.

So the dream censor tones down dreams. It lets a dreamer go ahead with life and so profit from past-life experiences.

—From Youth Ask a Modern Prophet about Life, Love, and God

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