By Sri Harold Klemp
Whenever somebody is making it difficult for you at work, simply sing HU quietly to yourself. Let the other person vent his rage, and just wait and see what the ECK will do to work out the situation.
You’ll find that you know what to say or not to say, when to speak or be quiet, when and how to keep out of the individual’s way, or whether it will be necessary to appeal to the person’s supervisor to get him off your back.
When you run into these things, by all means sing HU to open yourself as a channel for God. You don’t use the HU to change the other person’s state of consciousness; you use it for your protection.
It surrounds you with a blanket of white light, and whatever is thrown at you must return to the sender. The person who attacks you often finds himself so busy with his own problems that he no longer has time to continue his attacks on you.