Join Us For Spiritual Discovery
Is There More to Life Than What We See?

  • Dreams
  • Miraculous coincidences
  • Out-of-body adventures
  • Inner guidance
  • Past lives
  • Life after death

Hear about life-changing Soul experiences that awaken and validate truth already within the heart. Try creative spiritual exercises to connect with your Higher Self.

Raise your spiritual IQ and make your life a real Soul Adventure!

Episode 16
Could There Be a Spiritual Purpose for Pets in Our Lives?

Hear the story of how the love bond between a woman in crisis and a sick rescue kitten opened the door to a new life filled with spiritual gifts.

Plus, get a powerful dream exercise that can help you find answers to your most burning questions!

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“Our relationship with animals is often defined by what we most need to learn. Pets can teach us a great many things—patience, flexibility, how to live in the moment, how to laugh at ourselves. But most of all they can teach us how to give and receive unconditional love.”

—Sri Harold Klemp, Animals Are Souls Too!

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Resources to explore:

Episode 15
How to Develop a Powerful Spiritual Practice

Looking to make positive changes? Whether you seek a spiritual awakening or a job you love, living a Spirit-directed life means connecting with the creative power of Soul every day. What if it was easy, natural, and didn’t require strenuous effort to silence the mind? Interested?

Get a powerful spiritual tool that countless seekers have used to raise their spiritual IQ and unlock their highest potential—in just 20 wonder-filled minutes a day! Listen on to discover if it’s right for you.

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“The ancient ECK Adepts have known of it for centuries. They chose the present age to bring knowledge of it to the modern world. To you—today. Sing it from your heart, and there will be infinite ways to benefit from its blessings.”

—Sri Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul

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Resources to explore:

Episode 14
What Do You Say When Your Child Remembers a Past Life?

It’s more common than you may think! A Washington Post article reports that thousands of children across the globe have described recollections from a previous life, all documented in a database at the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.

In this Family Soul Adventure episode, hear first-hand accounts from a mom and her 13-year-old son as they share amazing childhood past-life recalls, and how these natural experiences uplift their spiritual understanding of life.

Bonus! Need help resolving nightmares? Release fear naturally with a tried-and-true spiritual tool to help kids and grown-ups.

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“How easy it is to dismiss a past-life story with, ‘Just another dreamer’s tale.’ And it’s a real temptation to discredit young children who give detailed accounts of past lifetimes. Even if it means ignoring candid descriptions of settings, situations, and possible family ties of old. Yet this happens all the time in families with children up to five or six years of age.”

—Sri Harold Klemp, ECKANKAR: Key to Past Lives

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Resources to explore:

More for Adults . . .
  • Free PDF download! Get a deeper understanding of your past lives and more in this free eBooklet Karma and Reincarnation.
For Kids . . .
  • Free PDF downloads! When I Was Big explores a little boy’s memories of being a voyager, king, nurse, and more! Celebrate your child’s imagination while opening the door to the possibility of past lives. Read the series free!
  • Kids, teens, and parents will love The Wonder within You A richly illustrated book of fun spiritual exercises that helps kids tap into the source of all their confidence, happiness, strength, love, and creativity!

Episode 13
Good Karma, Bad Karma—Beyond Karma!

What do an American pioneer, an Aztec priest, and a hermit from the Middle Ages have in common? Answer: They’re all part of our guest’s mind-blowing past life experiences! Tune in to this special episode to hear not one, but three epic Soul adventures!

Plus, get spiritual tools to resolve your karma and master your destiny in this lifetime. (Yes, it’s possible!)

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“Have you ever traveled to a place that felt familiar? Or met someone you felt you already knew? When you travel to new places, waking dreams and dreams may reveal past lives you spent there. Such dreams can shed light on habits, preferences, or fears. They show things gained or lost in the past. Travel is a chance to revisit what helped make you who and what you are today. It can help remind you that you are eternal Soul and have lived before!”

—Sri Harold Klemp

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Resources to explore:

Episode 12
Be a Light to the World

“Soul is in this life to learn to give and receive divine love, and Its ultimate goal is to become a Coworker with God. To be a Coworker means that no matter what you are doing, you make it easier for the next person.”

Sri Harold Klemp

What does it mean to be a light to the world in this time of discord and division? Tune in to hear how a father and his teenage daughter create big miracles from everyday challenges—and in their own unique ways. Plus, get a simple technique to tap into the Divine Power of Soul!

Enjoy, comment, follow or subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources to explore:

Episode 11
Animals Are Souls Too: A Heartwarming Goose Tale

“Animals are Souls too—a particle of God sent here to gain spiritual experience. For this reason, Divine Spirit will reach out and touch them in just the same way that It reaches out and touches you.”

Sri Harold Klemp

This is the heartwarming story of a grieving goose who receives a gift of divine healing, and the unlikely friendship that helps one woman release old judgments and open to more of God’s love.

Tune in to this extraordinary tale of the healing heart connection made between two of God’s creatures—from different sides of the pond.

Enjoy, comment, follow or subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources to explore:

  • For on-the-go spiritual stress relief try the FREE HU APP.
  • Gain a new perspective—discover the many ways HU can help you at
  • Get the free eBooklet, HU—Your Key to Spiritual Living, by Harold Klemp. A quick and inspiring read with true stories and spiritual exercises to help you live a life of greater awareness.
  • Animals Are Souls Too! is a groundbreaking book filled with true-life stories of the divine kinship between humans and animals from around the world.
  • *  *  *
  • What is ECKANKAR? Glad you asked! Explore FAQS here.
  • ECKANKAR’s Spiritual Living Courses are a living road map to spiritual transformation. Each month brings you a new measure of enlightenment. Discover more here.
  • Find ECKANKAR events, classes, and more in your area.

Episode 10

A Robbery, a Gift of Spiritual Protection, and the HU

“HU is a powerful defense. When you find yourself in need of extra strength or protection, sing HU inwardly or aloud. Fill yourself with love, and bathe in the Light and Sound of God.

“People all over the world sing HU to receive protection from trouble or danger on the street, at school, or at home.”

Sri Harold Klemp

A robbery at gunpoint puts a man in a life and death situation. Tune in to hear the extraordinary story of how he overcomes fear using an ancient spiritual mantra, and learn how the HU can work miracles in your life!

Enjoy, comment, follow or subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources to explore:

Episode 9

Inner Peace and Wisdom—
Gifts of the HU

“The mind can overreact to the rush of everyday living, leaving us on edge and out of sorts. We forget that help is as near as a few moments in contemplation. At least once a day, let the Sound and Light of God enliven you with spiritual impulses.

“Gently chant HU, and the silent wind of God will enter the sacred temple of consciousness in the heart. Once tensions relax, it is just moments until the healing current of Spirit begins to restore you.”

Sri Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul

Wish you had a way to relax and restore yourself—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—in only 20 minutes a day? Tune in and discover the universal spiritual exercise one young woman uses to gracefully meet the challenges of life—especially when unexpected events take her for a ride.

Enjoy, comment, follow or subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources to explore:

Episode 8

A Miracle Is a Changed Consciousness—
A Spiritual Journey of Recovery

“I invite you to sing the word HU every day.

“If you are ready, in a very short time you will have some definite recognition of a change for the better in your spiritual life.

“There will be some kind of communication from God, directly or indirectly, that will bring upliftment to your life that was never there before.”

Sri Harold Klemp,
Adapted from The Sound of Soul

Tune in and discover how one man transforms a decade of darkness and substance abuse into a life of love and happiness. It all begins with a simple but powerful word, HU, an ancient carrier of love between Soul and God.

Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources to explore:

Episode 7

Winning the Race of Life: Soul Lives Forever

“In most cases, as we make the transition into the heavenly worlds, we are totally unconcerned about it. . . . You will see settings similar to those on earth, but larger and with a lot more light. There will be a lightness and spaciousness about the body that you will wear there. . . . And you are always greeted by someone you know and love. For people who love truth and love God, it’s a smooth change. The key really is love.”

Sri Harold Klemp,
Adapted from ECK Wisdom on Life after Death

Tune in to hear a powerful story of coincidences and inner experiences showing the reality that love is the key to life—and to life beyond this life.

Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources to explore:

Episode 6

Encounters with Inner Spiritual Guides

“The ECK Masters are tried-and-true instruments of divine love. This love for God fills their hearts and being. They simply must pass it on in wholehearted service to others. For love is life, and life is love. This love pours through them, and there is no way they could contain it even if they wanted to. They are a self-fulfilling law of love.”

Sri Harold Klemp,
Those Wonderful ECK Masters

She was on a solo search for truth. She’d been searching for something more than philosophy and metaphysics. She was looking for answers . . . and then she had one of the most important days of her life.

Sound like you? Listen on . . .

Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources shared on the show:

Lai Tsi

  • Learn more about Lai Tsi and other ECK Masters.
  • Would you like to meet an ECK Master? Then this book may speak to you: Those Wonderful ECK Masters, by Sri Harold Klemp, available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Episode 5

What On Earth is Going On?

The Enigma of Life and Death

“This is earth. This is existence in the lower worlds. The tidal waves of life come sweeping over us. We go under again, and again, and again. And we wonder, Will this never end?

“What many people don’t realize is that this lifetime is a rare opportunity. We’ve come to solve the mystery of ourself, the mystery of Soul—who we are.”

Sri Harold Klemp,
Adapted from Spiritual Lessons from Living

The tragedies that befall humanity every day raise questions: If there is a just and loving God, why do these things happen? Why do bad things happen to good people?

In this episode discover how a father answers these questions from a spiritual perspective.

Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources shared on the show:

  • Watch the video clip Who Am I?: The Mystery of Soul from a talk by Sri Harold Klemp.
  • Learn more about reincarnation.
  • Curious about the ECK teachings? Here’s a link to FAQs about Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ.
  • If you have questions, this book has answers: A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life, Book 3, by Sri Harold Klemp, available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
  • Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ Spiritual Living Courses: check out a living road map to spiritual transformation. Each month brings you a new measure of enlightenment. Discover more here.

Episode 4

Do Our Pets Reincarnate?


“If you have a pet, you are aware of the bond of love between yourself and your pet. This bond of love exists because you are Soul—a particle of God sent here to gain spiritual experience. Ultimately, to learn how to give and to receive divine love.

“What most people don’t realize is their pet is also Soul. Animals are Soul too.”

Sri Harold Klemp,
ECK Wisdom on Relationships

Have you ever wondered if there is a spiritual life for pets? Do they reincarnate?

Tune in and hear a true story that may help answer these questions. There’s more to life than what we see!

Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources shared on the show:

Episode 3

Dreams and Healing


“This is the golden contract: that every encounter, without exception, is there to move Soul along spiritually on Its way back home to God. That’s every encounter, every event, without exception.”

Sri Harold Klemp,
ECK Essentials

Join host Doug Kunin and guest Arlene Forbes as they explore how dreams aid the healing process and give insights to master the trials of living.

Get a dream visualization technique to help with your next step to resolve a health problem, and explore a spiritual exercise using the Light of God for self-healing.

Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources shared on the show:

Episode 2

From Mindfulness to Soulfulness

“The rule of destiny holds that people at some time will begin to awaken to who and what they are.”

Sri Harold Klemp,
Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel

Join host Doug Kunin and guest, Mark Richardson, as they explore the quest for higher truth.

The experiences and insights shared in this episode offer ways to live life beyond the ordinary. Get keys to find your own answers as you explore your spiritual destiny.

Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!


Episode 1

Is There More to Life Than What We See?

Join host Doug Kunin and guests, Stella Forsberg and Carl Oresick, for a lively conversation on the quest for higher truth, dreams, and out-of-body experiences.

Our guests’ riveting, first-hand accounts invite your spiritual curiosity as they explore life beyond the ordinary.

Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast from your favorite platform!

Resources shared on the show:

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