How do you become a Master? Because if I grow up I might want to be one. —Ntonobari, at age 10, |
Dear Ntonobari, Striving for ECK Mastership is certainly a worthy goal. Above all, do what you love, and love what you do. That sounds like the same thing said twice. It’s not. All the things we do won’t be of our choosing. Otherwise, we’d avoid the very things which we need to do in order to learn some important lessons. There will be many such occasions. Then, love what you do. And do your very best no matter what. A way to tell a person with a far-advanced state of consciousness is to notice the way he tries to do everything with excellence—but always with love. No shortcuts! That means learning patience too. It took me many years to learn patience, but the ECK Masters put me in one situation after another. Finally, over time, the lessons took hold. The ideas here will stand you in good stead, whether or not you decide to try for the ECK Mastership.
(from April 2007 Letter of Light) |
for the Master Youth in ECK—Sharing from the Heart
Youth in ECK—Seminars The
ECK Rite of Passage