Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom

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How do you stay detached in a world where so many negative events occur on a regular basis?

—Jack, at age 17,


Dear Jack,

Rogues and rascals and their wreckage are meat for the media. They pummel the public with bad news. Add natural disasters to the mix. And not to overlook things in our personal lives that destroy our plans and expectations.

Trust. That’s what it comes down to.

How much confidence have we that life, the ECK, is giving us opportunities to meet ourselves and smooth out the rough spots in our spiritual makeup?

Yet any transformation isn’t done for us. We partake in it.

The ECK and you. This participation defines what it means to be a Coworker with the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master.

God created us. To become godlike, we must create too.

Creation is invention. It’s the stuff of inventors and entrepreneurs. Where others see annoyances or problems, they look for opportunities to address them creatively.

Attention linked to creativity will dry up the negative stream’s hold on you.

That’s how to become detached and positive.

(from April 2015 Letter of Light)

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Last modified July 25, 2023    190307