Discover the Divine Language
Yes, God speaks to you!
This voice, the Light and Sound of God, can be seen, heard, and felt. Dreams, intuition, gratitude, the love we have for our families—all reflect this life-giving creative power.
For millennia, religions have tried to express the Light and Sound of God through architecture and design, music and chanting, fire and song.
Do you appreciate beauty in nature, art, or music? Find solace in a sunrise? Love the sound of the rain?
You can attune yourself to this divine, creative, transformative love and experience the Light and Sound at any time.

Most people respond to the Light and Sound of God indirectly by listening to their intuition, trusting their feelings, or following their conscience.
But others do see the Light directly; It often appears before the Sound. They are two parts of the Voice of God, the ECK, which speaks to all whose spiritual eyes can see the mysteries of divine love.
Sri Harold Klemp
The Light and Sound carry Soul on a wave to the heart of God. The inner Sound is the Voice of God calling us home. The inner Light is a beacon to light our way.
Seeing the Light and hearing the Sound brings divine love into my life in the most direct and natural way. It is how I am becoming closer to God and more spiritually free. My love for life is thanks to the Light and Sound.

The spiritual practice of contemplation can help you tune in to the sacred Sound and Light within you. Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ teaches an active, creative, and personal approach to contemplation known as the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. Learn to unlock the door of truth.
Contacting the Light and Sound is like tuning in to the right radio frequency so we can get the message of God directly, without an intermediary trying to explain or interpret it.

This is a technique of the imagination.
Find a quiet place for this spiritual exercise where no one will disturb you for ten or fifteen minutes. Then shut your eyes and look behind and between your eyebrows. That is the location of your Spiritual Eye.
Now imagine you are climbing to the top of a broad green mountain. Follow the dirt path that leads to a meadow dressed in a carpet of bright, cheerful flowers. Powder-white clouds kiss the summit of the mountain and will instill in you a sense of great joy and wonder.
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The Light and Sound help me to tune in and align with the source of life. They help me make choices in my life based on the deepest source.New York
The Word, the Voice of the Sᴜɢᴍᴀᴅ [God], goes forth like a wave from the center of a pond and sings Its way through all the planes in many different songs and melodies. Each is the living Word, creating and giving life to everything in each world. By its very life—this ECK, the essence of the Sᴜɢᴍᴀᴅ, the Spirit of all things—life exists.
When It reaches the end of the worlds It returns like the wave, gathering up all Souls that are ready to do God’s work.
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The range of vibration in the universe spans from infinity to infinity. And while the primal cause of vibration is the Light and Sound of God, the human voice is a mere speck on the full scale of vibration. Why would God only speak in a whisper? Yet people who believe that God speaks chiefly in the frequency range of the human voice forget that the human voice, in comparison to the universe of sound, is but a tiny whisper.
Sri Harold Klemp
These two aspects of the Holy Spirit are proof that God wants a relationship with me, and to interact with me in ways I can remember and process.Sydney, Australia
Learn the Divine Language
Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ’s spiritual self-discovery courses help you experience love, wisdom, and freedom via contact with the Light and Sound of God.
Start Your ECK Adventure