Understanding and Interpreting Dreams
Have you had a dream about a certain period of history? Could this be a memory of a past life?
Discover a deeper insight into your dreams in this answer from Sri Harold Klemp.
Dreaming about Medieval Times
Q: I haven’t been having any dreams that I can remember for the past month. This is unusual for me; I usually have dreams all the time. Is it karma? I would like to know, if possible, because I learn from my dreams.
Another thing I would like to know is, are there knights on the higher planes? I am attracted to medieval wars and battles.
A: In answer to your first question: By the time you read this, you will have started to dream again. There are times when Soul shifts gears; this is when we don’t always remember our dreams. But it is a passing thing.
About your attraction to knights and medieval wars and battles: Your interest in that period of history is due to your many past lives there.
It was a time of great adventure, chivalry, and heroics. The forces of darkness and light were in a hotly contested battle for centuries, and you played a part in those unsettled, but interesting, times.
History can teach us much about how mankind’s unlearned lessons repeat themselves. This allows us to use our knowledge to avoid unnecessary problems, because we can sidestep a lot of them.
People make history. You might enjoy the historical novels by Mary Stewart that bring to life the times of King Arthur at the beginning of the Middle Ages: The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, The Last Enchantment, and The Wicked Day.
You’ll find many spiritual insights in these books, for the author is adept at looking at past-life records on the Causal Plane.
—A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life, Book 1
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