By Ann, Virginia
Two months after my husband translated (died), I was shopping in a department store with my eighteen-month-old son. I was not an ECKist at the time. When the shopping was finished, my son did not want to leave the store. He went into a temper tantrum.
My husband’s death had overwhelmed me. I was still in deep grief, and dealing with the task of taking my screaming son out of the stroller and the store was a stress too far. I couldn’t even figure out how to carry him and my bundles. It was all too much.
Suddenly, a young woman with light-brown hair and delicate features was standing beside me. She said, “You take your infant. I’ll take your bundles, and we’ll go outside.” I just stared at her for a few seconds, not only because she was a stranger willing to help, but because there was something truly different about her that I could not pinpoint.
We walked out to my car, and I profusely thanked the woman. She said nothing more. I put my son in his car seat, then looked back at her, but she had gone. She couldn’t have made it back to the store that quickly. I looked around the parking lot, but could not see her anywhere. All that day, and for months afterward, I often thought about the woman who was so kind to me. There was something special about her presence, and for years afterward, I could still see her face.
Time passed, and I discovered Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ. One Sunday while attending an Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ service, I saw an image of the woman I could not forget among the drawings of the ECK Masters. It had been the ECK Master Kata Daki who helped me that day! What a gift to discover that these ECK Masters are real and among us, and can offer loving assistance when we need it most.
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A Spiritual Exercise for You to Try MEET KATA DAKIWould you like to learn the secret of love? Note these words from The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One: “Love does not come to those who seek it, but to those who give love.”
Shut your eyes in quiet contemplation. Then sing the word seva (see-VAH), a spiritual word that means a service of love. Ask Kata Daki to show how to give love to others. You’ll think of ways you’ve never imagined. She may begin by reminding you of a time you received divine love when you were once in need too.
—Sri Harold Klemp, Those Wonderful ECK Masters